Everydaycounts and all over the world, millions of citizens, scientists, companies and organisations are committed to fighting against the clock to re-invent ways of living, producing and consuming that are more respectful of living things.
Make citizens and companies aware and inform them, year-round, with regard to ecological and socially responsible behaviour through events, lectures, documentaries, films, testimonies and an on-line platform.
Planethon 365 celebrates men and women, all over the world, who bear and implement specific projects and solutions that have a social and environmental impact on people and the earth.
Planethon 365 is creating an annual media event, inspired by successful and lasting experiences of making citizens aware and mobilising them.
Le Planethon offers a world tour of pictures and testimonies from a project leaders who will benefit from the donations collected.
Planethon-365 defends a universal cause: the urgency of preserving the planet’s resources to protect humans and all living things.